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M. Vélez Coto, M.J. Rodriguez Fortiz, M.L. Rodriguez Almendros, M.J. Cabrera Cuevas, C. Rodríguez Domínguez, T. Ruiz-Lopez, Á. Burgos-Pulido, I. Garrido-Jiménez and J. Martos-Pérez,  "SIGUEME: Technology-based intervention for low-functioning autism to train skills to work with visual signifiers and concepts.",  Research in Developmental Disabilities, vol.64 , 25-36, 2017
J. Fajardo-Calderín and C. Porras Nodarse,  "Software tool for model and solve the maximum coverage location problem, a case study: Locations police officers",  Investigación Operacional, vol.38 , 141-149, 2017
P. Villacorta Iglesias "The welchADF Package for Robust Hypothesis Testing in Unbalanced Multivariate Mixed Models with Heteroscedastic and Non-normal Data",  The R Journal, vol.(aceptado, aún sin D , -, 2017
B.A. Ceballos Martín,  "Modelos de decisión multi-Criterio en entornos con incertidumbre: estudio comparativo y aplicación", 2017
I.T.P. Torres-Pérez, C.A. Cruz Corona, A. Rosete and J.L. Verdegay Galdeano,  "A characterization of the performance of ordering methods in TTRP with fuzzy coefficients in the capacity constraints", "IPMU 2016 Proceedings, Part II (Joao Paulo Carvalho, Marie-Jeanne Lesot, Uzay Kaymak, Susana Vieira, Bernadette Bouchon-Meunier and Ronald R. Yager, Eds.). Communications in Computer and Information Science", 559-568 ,  2016
A. Ebrahimnehad and J.L. Verdegay Galdeano,  "A Survey on Models and Methods for Solving Fuzzy Linear Programming Problems", "Fuzzy Logic in Its 50th Year. New Developments, Directions and Challenges¿ (C. Kahraman, A. Yazici and U. Kaymak, Eds.)", 327-368 ,  2016
P. Villacorta-Iglesias, C. Rabelo, D.A. Pelta Mochcovsky and J.L. Verdegay Galdeano,  "FuzzyLP: An R Package for Solving Fuzzy Linear Programming Problems", "Granular, Soft and Fuzzy Approaches for Intelligent Systems (J. Kacprzyk, D. Filev and G. Beliakov, Eds.). Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing", 209-230,  2016
J.M. Cadenas-Figueredo, M.D.C. Garrido, R. Martinez, D.A. Pelta Mochcovsky and P. Bonissone,  "Gene Priorization for Tumor Classification Using an Embedded Method", "Computational Intelligence", 363-380,  2016

Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024

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