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J.J. Ortiz Servin, D.A. Pelta Mochcovsky, J.M. Cadenas-Figueredo
A. Castillo,
"Methodology for integrated fuel lattice and fuel load optimization using population-based metaheuristics and decision trees ", "Progress in Nuclear Energy"
, vol.104, 264-270, 2018
A. Ebrahimnejad-
J.L. Verdegay Galdeano,
"A new approach for solving fully intuitionistic fuzzy transportation problems", "Fuzzy Optimization And Decision Making"
, -, 2018
B.A. Ceballos Martín, M.T. Lamata Jimenez
D.A. Pelta Mochcovsky,
"RANK REVERSAL AND THE VIKOR METHOD: AN EMPIRICAL EVALUATION", "International Journal of Information Technology and Decision Making"
, vol.17, -, 2018
M.T. Lamata Jimenez, D.A. Pelta Mochcovsky
J.L. Verdegay Galdeano,
"Optimisation Problems as Decision Problems: The case of fuzzy Optimisation Problems", "Information Sciences"
, vol.460-461, 377-388, 2018
L. Arjona, H. Landaluce, A. Perallos
E. Onieva Caracuel,
"Timing-aware RFID anti-collision Protocol to increase the Tag Identification Rate", "IEEE Access"
, vol.6, 33529-33541, 2018
Y. Fernández, C.A. Cruz Corona
J.L. Verdegay Galdeano,
"A New Model Based on Soft Computing for Evaluation and Selection of Software Products. ", "Revista IEEE America Latina"
, vol.16, 1186-1192, 2018
R. Miranda-Pérez, S. Allende-Alonso, B. Pérez Cañedo
G. Bouza-Allende,
"Desempeño computacional de estrategias híbridas para la solución de problemas cuadráticos no convexos con restricciones de caja", "Investigación Operacional"
, vol.39, 42-53, 2018
E. Osaba, R. Carballedo, F. Díaz , E. Onieva Caracuel, A.D. Masegosa Arredondo
A. Perallos,
"Good practice proposal for the implementation, presentation, and comparison of metaheuristics for solving routing problems", "Neurocomputing"
, vol.271, 2-8, 2018
Última actualización del SICA: 10/01/2024