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J. Fajardo-Calderín, A. Rosete, A.D. Masegosa
C. Porras Nodarse,
"Partial evaluation and efficient discarding for the maximal covering location problem", "IEEE Access"
, vol.9, 20542-20556, 2021
D.A. Pelta Mochcovsky, J.L. Verdegay Galdeano, M.T. Lamata Jimenez
C.A. Cruz Corona,
"Trust dynamics and user attitudes on recommendation errors: preliminary results", ""
, -, 2020
B. Pérez Cañedo "An epsilon-constraint method for fully fuzzy multiobjective linear programming", "International Journal of Intelligent Systems"
, vol.35, 600-624, 2020
J.L. Verdegay Galdeano "¿Poden pensar os algoritmos? ", "Ágora do Orcellón"
, vol.37 , 109-125, 2020
X. Zhang , E. Onieva Caracuel, A. Perallos
E. Osaba,
"Genetic optimised serial hierarchical fuzzy classifier for breast cancer diagnosis", "International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation"
, vol.15, -, 2020
J.L. Verdegay Galdeano "¿Inteligencia Artificial en las aulas?. Una realidad difícil de alcanzar en España", "The Conversation"
, -, 2020
B. Pérez Cañedo
E.R. Concepción-Morales,
"A Lexicographic Approach to Fuzzy Linear Assignment Problems with Different Types of Fuzzy Numbers", "International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems"
, vol.28, 421-441, 2020
J.L. Verdegay Galdeano "Diez ideas para un tránsito digital exitoso de las universidades", "The Conversation"
, -, 2020
SICA last updated: 10/01/2024